Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

tourism in bandung



Bandung is the capital of West Java in Indonesia. Bandung is 180 kilometers southeast from Jakarta. Although it has a population of over two million the pace of city life is slower than Jakarta's. Bandung has a population of 2 million people, Bandung area an estimated 4 million.

Bandung is situated on a plateau 768 meters above sea level with a cool climate throughout the year. Bandung is the most European city of Java. The raining season starts in Bandung a little bit earlier, then the rest of Indonesia. Normally the raining season in Indonesia is from October till May, the peak of the raining season is in January.

The dry season is from June until August, temperature is then 25-30 degrees Celsius during the day. In the morning, the sun is almost shining every day, but in the afternoon many times it gets cloudy, for sunbathing we have to wake up early from 6.30 the sun is already there. In the evening when the sun is down the temperature has drops. The average temperature in Bandung is 22 degrees Celsius; the weather is pleasant all year round.

There are short drives up to the mountain resorts of Lembang and the Bosscha Observatory, and higher to the volcanic crater of Tangkuban Perahu, the only crater in Java accessible all the way by car as far as its rim. It is an awe-inspiring sight of emanating sulfur fumes.

Descent into all the volcano's 12 craters is only possible with the aid of an experienced guide, because of the presence of suffocating gases at certain spots.

Just a 15 minutes drive from Tangkuban Perahu is a hot springs resort. Here we can swim in warm mineral water pools, good for healing skin problems. The resort provides visitors with a bar, restaurants, tennis courts and cottage style hotels overlooking a beautiful mountain-scope.

In Bandung, try to see the "Wayang Golek" wooden puppet show and hear the "Angklung" bamboo orchestra, as well as the classical Sundanese gamelan and dances. Several institutes of higher education are located here, including the country's prestigious Bandung Institute of Technology.


In 1488, the area now named Bandung was the capital of the Kingdom of Pajajaran. During colonial times, the government of the Dutch East Indies built a supply road connecting Batavia (now Jakarta), Bogor, Cianjur, Bandung, Sumedang and Cirebon. This event was very important for the growth of Bandung. In the 1930s the Dutch East Indies government planned for Bandung to become the capital of the Dutch East Indies due to its location, however World War II disrupted these plans.

It is not known exactly when Bandung city was built. However, contrary to the beliefs of some the city was not originally built by the orders of Daendels, the Dutch East Indies Governor General, but by the orders of 'Bupati' R.A. Wiranatakusumah II. The Dutch colonial powers built wide tree-lined boulevards, villas, gardens, and fountains, earning Bandung the nickname of "Parijs van Java", the Paris of Java, in the early 20th century. Many of these structures survive to today, and can be seen along the road leading to the Dago area north of the city.

After Indonesian independence, Bandung was named as the provincial capital of West Java. Bandung was the site of the Bandung Conference which met April 18-April 24, 1955 with the aim of promoting economic and cultural cooperation among the African and Asian countries, and to counter the threat of colonialism or neocolonialism by the United States, the Soviet Union, or other imperialistic nations.

Mount Tangkuban Perahu

Tangkuban perahu is a volcano, 25 kilometers north of Bandung direction of Lembang. Its location is in between Sagalaherang village, Sagalaherang district, Subang regency and Cikole village, Lembang district, Bandung regency.

This is Bandung's most famous tourist volcano just 28 km north of the city. This volcano offers many places to see and explore.

Whether we look into the huge crater or hike down into it, stroll through the forest on its slopes, or simply enjoy the splendid panoramic scenery. Mt. Tangkuban Perahu is an interesting destination that everyone in the Bandung area is fond of visiting. When seen from Bandung, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu has a distinctive shape, like an upside down boat.

Tangkuban Perahu means, in fact, "up-turned boat" This peculiar shape has stimulated the fantasy of the Sundanese people from early times as expressed in the Legend of Sangkuriang. Geologically, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu has played a significant role in the development of Parahyangan highlands. Eruptions have contributed immensely to the hills north of Bandung through lava flowing into the valleys and hardening into rock, thus forming big cliffs over which waterfalls leap.

Likewise, mud flows have formed a semi-circular cone of gentle gradient (what geologists call "a fan"), which is now a mass that blocked the valley of the ancient Citarum River near present day in Padalarang (some 18 km west of Bandung), this caused a lake to form covering the whole Bandung plain.

Tangkuban Perahu is a volcano with three craters into which areas tourists can walk through. These three craters are: Kawah Ratu ("Queen Crater"), Kawah Domas ("Domas Crater"), and Kawah Upas ("Upas Crater"). Tourists can go down into the Domas Crater where exist many hot geysers in which they can boil eggs. Though the mountain appears peaceful, mild eruptions occurred in 1969, when Kawah Ratu spewed ash and barrages 500 m high.

As recently as September 1992 it was closed to the public for a few days because unusually high seismic activity leads volcanologist to fear a new eruption. On the mountain's northern flank is an area called Death Valley, so named for its frequent accumulation of poisonous gases. On a reasonably clear day, from Kawah Ratu, the main crater, we can see not only the mountain range to the east, with Mt. Bukittunggul as its highest peak (2,209 m), but also two other in a northeasterly direction. The lower and nearer one is Mt. Tampomas (1,684 m) just north of Sumedang some 40 km away. 

To the right and about 90 km away is Mt. Ciremai close to Cirebon on the north coast. At 3,078 m, Mt. Ciremai is West Java's tallest mountain. At the foot of Mt. Tangkuban Perahu we see the Ciater tea plantation covering the rolling hills. Farther to the left are the northern coastal plains of Java, and on an extremely clear day we may even be able to see the Java Sea beyond.

Kawah Ratu, which means "Queen's Crater", is today just a big gray hole, which sometimes has a pool of water at its center. Poisonous gases sometimes accumulate in Kawah Ratu, thus making it somewhat of a risk to descend to the crater floor. Beyond the saddled shaped depression on the far side of Kawah Ratu is the still active Kawah Upas, the oldest crater on the mountain. On the very far western cliff we see a spot where all vegetation has been destroyed by constantly rising sulfurous vapors. On the crater walls, note the various layers of material consisting of rock, sand, and pebbles. Overtime, new craters have formed again and again in a rather consistent shift from west to east. The most well known of these is the Domas crater, but also there are other smaller ones in jungle on the mountain's northeastern flank. Facilities in Tangkuban Perahu Crater are comfortable parking area, souvenir kiosks, and restaurants.

Taman Safari 

The wildlife conservation is located in Cibeureum village, Cisarua. Taman Safari Foundation owns the land in Taman Safari, which is also the management of the tourism object. Facilities in Taman Safari are bus, artificial lake, water cycling, canoe, swimming pool, mini train to see African style village, Bird Park, go cart, children playground, windmill, circus, merry-go-round etc.

Animals from all continents roam freely in this 35-hectare park, 75-km southeast of Jakarta along the Jakarta-Bandung route. Among the animals kept here are some comparatively rare species such as anoas, rhinos, giraffes, white tigers and European, American and Asian bears. Adjacent to the park is recreational grounds with a swimming pool, tennis courts, an artificial lake, waterfall and children's playground and amusement park. There are also restaurants and cafeterias.

Taman safari is a drive through zoo and amusement park and is open every day. On the way from Bandung to Taman Safari we have to pass Puncak, do not try to do this on Sunday or public holiday because we can end up in a big traffic jam, because Puncak is a very popular spot for people from Jakarta. Normally, it take 3,5 hours from Bandung to get to Taman Safari.


Between Bandung and Bogor in the mountains lays Puncak, a cool area, which is very popular. People from Jakarta spend their weekend and on public holidays from the heat and busy streets of the capitol of Indonesia to Puncak. Bandung to Puncak takes about 3 hours drive. Puncak Pass area has long been the foremost weekend retreat for Indonesians capital city residents. The cool, fresh air, and the magnificent view offer a calm, fresh and peaceful feeling. In the afternoon, sunsets from the top of the pass can be quite spectacular.

Puncak Pass is one of interesting destination in the West Java Province. It is located in the south of Jakarta and can be reached by an hour journey. Puncak is an ideal place for weekend, as well as a good location to find a fresh mountain air. Besides, many attractions can be found nearby, such as the Bogor and Cobodas Botanical Gardens; the Gede Pangrango National Park; the Plantations and the Safari Park.

Puncak Indah consists of three districts: Ciawi, Megamendung, Cisarua. The area is familiar with its fresh air and beautiful panorama. From Ciawi to Cipanas, there are many bungalows, hotels, motels, restaurants, and other tourism facilities. Tourisms object in Puncak is Lido Park, which is located in Cigombong village/Wates Jaya (km. 21) Rd. Ciawi-Sukabumi, Cijeruk. Facilities that are provided in Lido Park ara restaurant, cottages, swimming pools, camping grounds, and other facilities for lake recreations. Gunung Mas XII Plantation, which is located in Rd. Puncak, Cisarua district. It offers panorama with hilly panorama, which could only be found in Puncak. Activities that could be done are tea walk and seeing the making of the tea from the picking of tea until the tea is ready to serve.

Batu-Tulis Ciaruteun (Stone Inscription) 

One of the oldest kingdoms of Indonesia, the Hinduism Tarumanagara from the 5th century, was probably located near Bogor. In the area a number of inscriptions has been found, under them a remarkable one, which still can be seen in Ciampea, 15 km west of the city, approximately two kilometers Southwest of the botanical gardens It's a big stone in a riverbank, which contains several lines of Indian style inscriptions, and two king-size footprints, which should have been from the conqueror and king Purnawarman. This inscription tells about the influence of king Surawisesa of Pajajaran in 1533, an important Hindu-king. This inscription is used Sanskrit language.

A replica of the stone can be found in the Fatahillah Museum in Jakarta. The name of the kingdom seems to have close ties with the river, which runs through the Bandung Basin east of Bogor to the coast, Citarum River. Because the inscriptions were found here, the historians concluded the capital of Tarumanagara should have been here, also because it's a good place for defense, and it also provides entry to the fertile hinterlands and the nearby trading harbors at the Sunda Strait.

The site is located on the bank of the Ciaruteun river in Ciampea village which can be reached by driving along the 9-kilometer road from Bogor to Ciampea followed by going on foot for about two kilometers.
Mount Ratuha and Kawah Putih 

Mt Patuhu is located southwest of Bandung, Kawah Putih is a lake on this mountains is sometimes pale turquoise, or as it's name says white. The direction is drive to Ciwidey. Kawah Putih can easy be reached by car all the way to the rim and then it is a 100 metre walk to the lake it self. It is a very nice colorful lake. Far to the south of Bandung, the hill becomes greener. The fresh air flows through the bamboo trees marching along the way. Kawah Putih, The White Crater, is waiting for who want to contemplate there.

Two craters adorn the summit of Patuha Volcano. The dry crater of Kawah Patuha lies 600 meters northwest of Kawah Putih, a crater lake with approximately 8 meters of water depth. Kawah Putih Crater Lake represents a relatively stable volcanic system, with no records of magmatic or phreatic activity since A.D. 1600. Surrounded by the tea plantation, Kawah Putih is a very prospectors tourist's destination in West Java - Indonesia. Located at about 30 km to the south of Bandung, Kawah putih is relatively easy to be reached. But, driving bu your own car is recommended, it's convenience because along the way, you can stop by to just take a rest, or buy strawberry, which can be easily found in this area. Fresh and considerably cheap.

Maribaya is well known for its hot springs, the sulfur-laden water, a comfortable place for swimming and enjoying the scenery of a 25-meter waterfall set against a steep mountain cliff. Maribaya warm springs emerge from near the fault trace of the almost east west trending Lembang Fault which is downthrown to the north. The uplifted southern block consists of older andesitic volcanic products from Tangkuban Perahu and other old eruptive centers to the east while on the north the outcrop is mainly of younger Tangkuban Perahu pyroclastics.

The main Tangkuban Perahu craters are 9 km to the NW of Maribaya and Bandung city is about 11 km to the SW. Maribaya, which lies 9 km southeast of Tangkuban Perahu at the foot of an east-west scarp which may be associated with Lembang fault. The springs flow from the banks of a stream where it flows over two waterfalls created by basaltic lava flows. The waters have temperatures ranging between 38° and 47°C, an 8-9 and are slightly turbid and yellowish in color. Where they emerge from the rocks they are often associated with carbonate and argyle deposits.

The 30-minute trip from Bandung to Maribaya passes through some lovely mountain scenery. Renowned for its hot springs, the sulfur-laden water is comfort, able for swimming or soaking. 

Lie back and relax while enjoying the view of a 25-meter waterfall set against a steep mountain cliff. The mountain air is cool and the sulfur-laden water just comfortably hot enough for swimming as and soaking in. Part of the scenery is a 25 m high waterfall set against a steep mountain cliff. This is tiny waterfall.


Sixty kilometers from Garut, Tasikmalaya is known for its plaited mats, painted umbrellas and batiks of particular designs and colors. Geographically, Tasikmalaya is situated between 107° 53' to 108° 20' eastern longitudes and between 7° 3' and 7° 49' southern latitude. The population of the entire regency (the city and rural area around it) is about 1.58 million. Like most of West Java, Muslim, ethnically Sundanese people, mostly populates it with a small Indonesian Chinese minority. A quarter of Tasikmalaya Regency, which has an area of about 256,756,692 hectares, is covered by forest. This Regency may be divided into two areas, lowlands and mountainous regions.

Tasikmalaya Regency is rich in places of interests and cultural attractions. First of all, there is an interesting area called Kampung Naga. Thirty km from Tasikmalaya, visitors will find the uniqueness of Kampung Naga. The distance from Bandung to this kampong is about 88 km. The people of this Kampong still adhere to the old traditions. Their house building is unique. 

The uniqueness lays its uniformity, starting from the building materials, the house designs to the direction their houses are facing. Instead of its proximity to modern society, it has retained its traditional customs over the centuries. It is a small village in the beautiful mountains of the Salawu District. The most important traditional ceremony is called "Upacara Pedaran" which illustrates its age-old history and culture, held only once every year.

Places of interest in Tasikmalaya include the most attractive natural resorts. From a tourism viewpoint at least, the area has benefited from the latest eruption of Galunggung Mountain, which happened on April 5, 1982. The remains of the eruption have now become taking scenery and are worth-visiting. A lot of tourists, both foreign and domestic, have started visiting this resort. Shady trees are growing again and visitors can also enjoy the sight the crater and bathing in the spa.

Transportation is easily available, although the distance from Jakarta to Tasikmalaya is about 380 kilometers, and from Bandung about 120 kilometers. Since the road is good the distance can easily be covered by either public or private transport.

Home industries are prevalent in Tasikmalaya Regency and the tourist can of course buy the product. Home industries mean handicraft, such as pandan hat, samak hat, dudukuy cetok, hand bags, etc in another region of this regency, there is a place which is famous for plaited handicraft, called Rajapolah. Home industries here produce mats, plaited wares made from bamboo, like kitchen utensils, etc.


Traveling northeast from Bandung towards the coast, the seaport of Cirebon offers a wealth of culture and history. Situated on the border of West and Central Java, it is home to a combination of both cultures. 

Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi means a prosperous city that has many people. Cirebon is actually located at the north coast of Java. It is located at West Java. Cirebon has a great resource of sea, especially shrimps. These shrimps are exported abroad to get so much income for city development and education. This city is almost always be passed every time any one wants to go to West Java or Jakarta from Central Java and any east cities of Java.

The location of Cirebon is very strategic. In the Indojavanese time it was the most important harbor of the mighty Galuh kingdom, of which the capital was located in the fertile of Citanduy River, not too far away from Ciamis. The harbor also opened the way to the Cimanuk River, which flows through Sumedang to the lake basin of Bandung. Because the coasts of Western Java are swampy and in some places rocky Cirebon and Sunda Kelapa (Jakarta), together with Banten in the far West, the main entries to the blooming highlands.

Cirebon at 14th was a part of Padjajaran Kingdom. The Moslem movement there was so fast and Padjajaran commanded to remove the settlement to Lemahwungkuk, 5 kilometers from Cirebon harbor. In the city itself; the ancient palace (keraton) of Kasepuhan and Kanoman now serve as museums which are open to the public, exhibiting household ornaments, paintings, calligraphy and other art treasures of the courts.

The royal carriages are sumptuous in design, one of them a gilded coach in the form of a winged elephant. The three well-known palaces (Kraton) of Cirebon are Pakungwati, Kesepuhan, and Kanoman. The former is the earliest of the three and has said to be occupied by Sunan Gunung Jati himself. In fact, according to the records preserved within the Kesepuhan Palace, and firmly believed by the Cirebon people, the normally accepted account of Sunan Gunung Jati's life is incorrect. Syarif Hidayatullah was, they claim, the son of an Egyptian King and a Sundanese princess. He lived until the age of 120 and died in 1568 A.D.

Across the square from the Kasepuhan Kraton is "Mesjid Agung" (Grand Mosque), in a traditional Javanese style and made entirely of wood. There is an ancient royal cemetery where a holy sultan was buried which has become a place for pilgrimage at the Astana Gunung. Jati Cirebon is also known for its distinct batik, now a flourishing industry in Trusmi village. The local seafood is among the best in West Java. Another specialty this city can offer the visitor is a wide range of seafood, probably the best in West Java.

Nowadays Cirebon is on the crossing of a busy coastal road and the main road to Bandung. The harbor, main depot for the oil from the Java Sea, is famous for it's great catches of fish and other sea animals. Cirebon means 'River of Shrimps' and the city has a nickname 'Kota Udang', 'City of the big Shrimps'; historical sources tell us that the name of the city is probably diverted from caruban, which means 'mixture' - a witness of the very heterogeneous heir of Cirebon.

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